Marco Just Quiles
Marco Just Quiles is associated researcher at trAndeS (FU Berlin) and political consultant. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). He was a scholarship holder in the International Graduate Program “Between Spaces” (FU Berlin) and associated Ph.D. researcher at (FU Berlin). Among others he completed research residencies at FLACSO (Spain), COLMEX (Mexico) and UMSA (Bolivia). His research interests include state capacity, public services, subnational politics and territorial inequalities in Latin America. At trAndeS he is studying the relationship between state capacity and sustainable development in the Andean region. He is also cooperating with the program director within specific network projects. In his function as political consultant he is working for a former Parliamentary State Secretary in foreign cultural and educational policy affairs. Among his recent publications is his book: “Fragmented State Capacity. External dependencies, subnational actors and local public services in Bolivia”, forthcoming in Springer VS and CIS Bolivia.
Global interdependencies, subnational state capacity and sustainable development
This project explores the nexus between global interdependencies, subnational state capacity and sustainable development. Three related perspectives will be gradually developed. The analysis examines 1) the role of subnational state capacity for social development; 2) the relation between global interdependencies and subnational state capacity; and 3) the link between global interdependencies and sustainable development. These perspectives will be analyzed by falling back on empirical evidence from Peru and Bolivia. Besides developing conceptual insights the work introduces methodological tools, particularly useful to the study of subnational state capacity and social development.
Just Quiles, M. (2018): Fragmented State Capacity. External dependencies, subnational actors and local public services in Bolivia, Wiesbaden: Springer VS (forthcoming).
Just Quiles, M., Schorr, B., Hübner, C. (2018): “Seguridad Hídrica, Energética y Alimentaria: Explorando el Nexo entre Sectores en Contextos de Cambio Climático y Desigualdad Social en la Región Andina”, KAS “Policy Briefing”, EKLA – KAS Peru (forthcoming).
Just Quiles, M. (2017): “Persisting Inequalities in Boom Times: Analyzing local public service variations in Bolivia (2001 – 2012)”, KAS Análisis, 01/2018, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Just Quiles, M: (2017): “Reformas y desarrollo en Bolivia: Retos analíticos de evaluaciones empíricas”, CROLAR- Critical Reviews on Latin American Research, 6 (1), 46-50.
Just Quiles, M. (2015): “Book Review: Subterranean Struggles. New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America”, CROLAR – Critical Reviews on Latin American Research, Vol. 4 (1), 93-95.