Francesco Maniglio

Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
Sociologist, postdoctoral researcher trAndeS
Francesco Maniglio is full professor at the Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Cultural Criticism at the University of Seville (Spain) and a Master in Philosophy of Law at the University Pablo de Olavide (Spain). He is an associate researcher of the Interdisciplinary Study Group on Communication, Politics, and Social Change (Compoliticas) at the University of Seville and of the Laboratory of Critical Studies of Discourse (LabEC) at the University of Brasilia.
Cognitive Dependece. Knowledge Elites and Inequality in Latin America
Rethinking the dependence approach in the context of knowledge-based economies, I posit that the reproduction processes of knowledge elites would account for the consolidation of a specific core-periphery geography, as a form of political and economic dominance. The hypothesis stating that the reproduction of knowledge elites and qualified workers generates new forms of dependence emphasizes the political contradiction between dependence and development, particularly in the case of Latin America. Therefore, this article analyzes the differentiation of qualified workers and the reproduction of knowledge elites in relation to the global development of knowledge-based economies. For this purpose, I consider (1) the San Matthew hypothesis and the reproduction of core-periphery knowledge divisions (2) the dominion of Knowledge elites on political and social mobility (3) the differentiation of human capital by class, gender, and race divisions that reinforce the production of political-economic dominance and reproduction of social inequalities.
Maniglio, F; Casado, F. La justiciabilidad de los derechos sociales. El caso del derecho al hábitat y a la vivienda en Ecuador. Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social. 2020.
Luque, A.; Maniglio, F.; Casado F. Transmedia context and twitter conditioning on the Ecuadorian Government’s action. The "Guayaquil Emergency" case during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tripodos. 2020
Maniglio, F.; Silva, R. B. The Critical Discourse Analysis and the Decolonial Turn. Why and what for? Critical Discourse Studies (CDS). 2020.
Maniglio, F. From Productive to Cognitive Dependence. Knowledge-Based Economies and Highly Qualified Migrants in Latin America. Studies in Political Economy. v.100-1. 2019.
Maniglio, F. Brain Drain and Technologies in the Social Justice New Policies of Ecuador In: The Borders of Integration. Empowered Bodies and Social Cohesion. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, v.1, p. 267-298.
Maniglio, F. The Global Transformation of University in the Economy of Knowledge Paradigm. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education. v.10, p.137 - 154, 2018.
Maniglio, F.; Galvez, J. M.; Robles, V. B. Las políticas para la socialización de los conocimientos como lucha para el Estado Social de Ecuador In: a revolución ciudadana en escala de grises: Avances, continuidades y dilemas. Quito: Ed. IAEN, 2017, v.1, p. 299-326.
Maniglio, F. Cognitive Injustice in the International Division of Knowledge. The Case of Highly Skilled Migration. Revista Crítica De Ciências Sociais. v.114, p.27 - 46, 2017.
Maniglio, F.; Silva, R. B. L’invenzione del Sud. Rinascimento idealista e prassi accademica degli studi culturali. Altre Modernitá. v.17, p.164 - 181, 2017.
Maniglio, F. El discurso tecnopolítico de la gobernanza europea: un análisis crítico del discurso (ACD) de las políticas post-Lisboa. Araucaria (Madrid). v.19, p.327 - 351, 2017.
Barrera, M. G.; Maniglio, F. Los Territorios Discursivos de América Latina. Interculturalidad, Comunicación e Identidad. Quito: Ediciones Ciespal, 2017.
Maniglio, F. El gobierno del General Intellect. La explotación de los conocimientos y la miseria de la humanidad. Quito: Ediciones Ciespal, 2016, v.1. p.2016.
Caballero, F. S.; Maniglio, F. Capitalismo Financiero y Comunicación. Quito: Ediciones Ciespal, 2016, v.1. p.326.