Horacio Vera Cossío

Universidad Católica Boliviana
Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas
Development Economist
The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom 2015-2016
MSc in Economics and Development Economics (Merit)
Dissertation: Inter-household transfers for the elderly and crowding out: evidence from a natural experiment
Bolivian Catholic University, La Paz, Bolivia 2008-2012
Licenciaturain Economics
Thesis: Pro poor growth in Bolivia, An Approximation to Changes in Poverty as Measured by Household Consumption Data 2005-2009 (Honours Mention)
Professional Experience
Researcher and lecturer
Institute for Social and Economic Research-Bolivian Catholic University
UNDP volunteer
UNDP Bolivia-Human Development Index Project
Junior researcher
JAN/2013-SEP/2014 and JAN/2015-APR/2015
Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD), La Paz, Bolivia
Economist III- macroeconomic analyst, short-term consultant in the study “Population vulnerability to the risk of disaster in Bolivia”
Economic and Social Policy Analysis Unit (UDAPE) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), La Paz, Bolivia
Assistant researcher
APR/2012 - DEC/2012
ARU Foundation, La Paz, Bolivia
Development Strategies and Public Policy Vice Presidency (VEDPP), CAF Latin American Development Bank, La Paz, Bolivia
Fellowships and Awards
Scholarship for study at Masters level in the United Kingdom.
Teaching assistantship
first semester 2010
Macroeconomics I, economics department, Bolivian Catholic University, La Paz, Bolivia.
Teaching assistantship
First and Second Semester 2010
Macroeconomics II, economics department, Bolivian Catholic University, La Paz, Bolivia.
Research Interests
Development microeconomics, agricultural economics, household economics, labour economics, behavioural economics, micro-econometrics, randomized control trials, experimental methods.
Written Research Work
Gonzales R., Lopez R. and Mariscal M. (2015) [Part of the support team] Population vulnerability to the risk of disaster in Bolivia (in Spanish). UNFPA/UDAPE, La Paz. http://www.udape.gob.bo/portales_html/doc_maroeco/vulnerabilidad/doc%20UNFPA% 202016_lite.pdf
Muriel, B. and Vera H. (2015) Cycles versus Trends: The Effects of Economic Growth on Earnings in Bolivia. Development Research Working Paper Series 08/2015. INESAD, La Paz http://www.inesad.edu.bo/index.php/es/publicaciones/documentos-de-trabajo/ 1303-wp08-2015
Vera D. and Rocha P. (2014) [Research assistantship] When the women are the ones who rule: the role of savings in female empowerment (in Spanish). Development Re- search Working Paper Series 06/2014. INESAD, La Paz http://www.inesad.edu. bo/pdf/wp2014/wp06_2014.pdf
Vera H. (2012) Pro-Poor Growth in Bolivia (in Spanish). Presented in the BCDE 2012 http://www.inesad.edu.bo/bcde2012/papers/59.%20Vera_CrecimientoProPobreBolivia. pdf
Vera H. (2009) The orientation of public holiday politics in the government of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (in Spanish). In: Bridikhina E. coord. publicfestivities: construction of public spirit and festive politics. IEB/ASDI, La Paz.