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Markus Hochmüller


FU Berlin

Otto Suhr Institut of Political Science

Political Scientist

Markus Hochmüller is an Associated Researcher at trAndeS (Postgraduate Program for Research on Inequalities and Sustainable Development in the Andean Region). He is also a lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at Freie Universität Berlin's Otto Suhr Institut of Political Science. Markus holds a PhD in Political Science (Freie Universität Berlin). His thesis with the title „The Struggle over Security in Post-War Guatemala – Knowledge, Practices and Effects of a Transnational Field“ assesses transnational security governance reforms in Guatemala and the role of expertise in post-conflict reform processes.


Markus has conducted field research in Central America, Israel, Spain and the US, and he worked as a Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Center 700 - "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood" and the Institute for Latin American Studies in Berlin. His research interests include peace- and statebuilding, international security, security governance in Latin America (in particular policing, the role of armed forces, and crime prevention), violence and organized crime as well as expertise and knowledge production in intervention contexts.

Graduate courses

  • Winter 2017/18 - Statebuilding and Security Sector Reform in the Global South (Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Summer 2013 - Staatlichkeit. Lokale und transnationale Prozesse in Lateinamerika (Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, with Manuela Boatcă)
  • Summer 2012 - Demokratisierung in Lateinamerika (DAAD-Graduiertenakademie, Wandlitz, Brandenburg, with Marianne Braig)

Undergraduate courses

  • Winter 2013/14 - Entre el orden y la represión: discursos y prácticas policiales en Europa y su ‘exportación’ a América Latina (Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University, Term I 2014)
  • Summer 2013 - Organisierte Kriminalität und Sicherheits-Governance in Mexiko und Zentralamerika (Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin)

Journal articles

  • “From Regime Protection to Urban Resilience? Assessing Continuity and Change in Transnational Security Governance Rationales in Guatemala.” In: Geoforum 84 (2017), 389-400 (with Markus-Michael Müller). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.01.003


Journal special issues


Edited volume

  • Politik in verflochtenen Räumen. Los espacios entrelazados de lo político: Festschrift für Marianne Braig, Berlin: edition tranvía / Verlag Walter Frey (2013) (with Anne Huffschmid, Teresa Orozco Martínez, Stephanie Schütze and Martha Zapata Galindo).


Book chapters

  • “Countering Criminal Insurgencies: Fighting Gangs and Building Resilient Communities in Post-War Guatemala.” In: Louise W. Moe and Markus-Michael Müller (eds.), Reconfiguring Intervention: Complexity, Resilience and the “Local Turn” in Counterinsurgent Warfare. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2017), 163-186 (with Markus-Michael Müller). http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/978-1-137-58877-7_8
  • “Politik in verflochtenen Räumen / Los espacios entrelazados de lo político: Einleitung.” In: Markus Hochmüller, Anne Huffschmid, Teresa Orozco Martínez, Stephanie Schütze and Martha Zapata Galindo (eds.): Politik in verflochtenen Räumen. Los espacios entrelazados de lo político: Festschrift für Marianne Braig, Berlin: edition tranvía / Verlag Walter Frey (2013), 9-24 (with Anne Huffschmid, Teresa Orozco Martínez, Stephanie Schütze and Martha Zapata Galindo).
  •  “Einleitung: Von failed states und Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit: organisierte Kriminalität, Gewalt und Staat in Lateinamerika.” In: Günther Maihold and Daniel Brombacher (eds.): Gewalt, Organisierte Kriminalität und Staat in Lateinamerika, Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich (2013), 9-23 (with Günther Maihold).
  •  “Die Kolumbianisierung der mexikanischen Drogenökonomie? Kartelle und kriminelle Netzwerke im Vergleich.” In: Günther Maihold and Daniel Brombacher (eds.): Gewalt, Organisierte Kriminalität und Staat in Lateinamerika, Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich (2013), 57-84.


Book reviews

  •  O’Neill, Kevin Lewis and Kedron Thomas (eds.) (2011): Securing the City – Neoliberalism, Space, and Insecurity in Postwar Guatemala. Durham and London: Duke University Press. CROLAR – Critical Reviews on Latin American Research, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2012), 11-13. www.crolar.org/index.php/crolar/article/download/33/pdf


Other publications

  •  “Cantar contra el olvido o la re-construcción de la memoria.” In: Revista Istmo, 23 (2011) (with Gabriel Caballeros Gálvez and Sabine Erbrich). istmo.denison.edu/n23/proyectos/01_caballeros_erbrich_hochmueller_form.pdf