Encuentro de la SDG GS Alliance: "Inauguration and Future Steps"
Noticias de 08.09.2021
The DAAD Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools aim to provide the infrastructure for fostering cooperative efforts among German higher education institutions and their counterparts in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Since 2016, the DAADs (German Academic Exchange Service) funding line on Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools includes seven projects, in which German universities are partnering with universities in Latin America, Asia and Africa in order to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The Graduate Schools promote the SDG by engaging in capacity-building through developing research and teaching programs in the natural and social sciences. Their diversity reflects the multifaceted character of the Agenda 2030.
Learn more about the seven DAAD Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools.
In 2020, facing the second phase of the funding period, the seven projects agreed to form the SDG Graduate School Alliance to expand their cooperation and strengthen synergies. The SDG GS Alliance will play a key role as a dissemination and networking platform in supporting all partnering HEI during the second funding phase.
In this first meeting of the alliance the network will be officially launched. Together with representatives from DAAD, BMZ German UNESCO Commission and others, the members of the Alliance will discuss the importance of international academic partnerships for sustainability, present their innovations for the second phase and prepare the future activities of the SDG GS Alliance.
The first meeting of the SDG Graduate School Alliance, will take place in Berlin from September 15 to 16, 2021.